
  • Pool Re: Salisbury nerve agent attack raises coverage questions

    30 April 2018

    Large losses for Salisbury’s merchants not covered by traditional commercial policies

  • IMIF publishes guidance on op risk modelling and insurance purchases

    30 April 2018

    Survey highlights variation in practice across the industry

  • Aviva offers compensation after preference shares debacle

    30 April 2018

    Backlash from shareholders prompted Aviva to halt cancellation plan

  • US insurance sector scores low on sustainability

    27 April 2018

    Ceres report reveals disheartening results

  • UN invites insurers to participate in first global survey on ESG risks

    27 April 2018

    Principles for Sustainable Insurance developing ESG guidelines

  • EU insurers add to growing RT1 debt market

    26 April 2018

    Phoenix and Tryg issues add almost $800m

  • Use of section 166 reports continues unabated

    26 April 2018

    UK regulators continue to employ outside experts at insurers' cost

  • "No urgent crisis" for blockchain to solve

    26 April 2018

    Multiple obstacles to adoption of distributed ledger technology, says Fitch report

  • IFRS 17 deadline raises feasibility concerns

    26 April 2018

    Accounting standard brings operational complexity, says panel

  • Allianz to conclude €1.85bn Euler Hermes buyout

    25 April 2018

    The acquisition will be completed with a squeeze-out of the remaining shares