
  • Taiwan's new death benefits rules will help stabilise insurer profits

    08 January 2020

    Rating agency Moody's says regulatory changes are good news for life insurers

  • Craig Swan primed to become head of Bermuda regulator

    08 January 2020

    Promoted to deputy CEO in preparation to take over from Jeremy Cox

  • Insurance Ireland appoints female chief executive

    08 January 2020

    Moyagh Murdock joins from Ireland's Road Safety Authority

  • Nat cat insured losses hit $52bn in 2019 - Munich Re

    08 January 2020

    Total economic losses from natural catastrophes in 2019 stood at $150bn

  • Hong Kong insurers grew business by 5.2% in 2018

    08 January 2020

    Non-life firms restored profitability after 2017 underwriting losses

  • Esure names permanent CFO

    07 January 2020

    Peter Bole takes over from interim CFO Steve Long

  • Ways CROs can better manage climate change risks

    07 January 2020

    Willis Towers Watson says successful identification and management of the risks is key

  • Neon put into run-off after missing profitability targets

    07 January 2020

    American Financial Group to exit its Lloyd's business

  • UK insurers face increasing weed killer and diesel fume claims

    07 January 2020

    Addiction to opioid painkillers is another potential area for claims, says Clyde & Co

  • Dominic Rau: a more fragmented world makes managing risk harder

    07 January 2020

    Head of risk governance and steering at Swiss Re shares his thoughts on 2019 and prospects for 2020