
  • SEC climate rules will be disastrous for markets, say lawmakers

    11 April 2024

    Political disputes once more rear head in climate conversation

  • "Mother nature does not discriminate against blue or red states," Lara says

    11 April 2024

    Comment comes after NAIC adopts national climate resilience strategy

  • Munich Re's syndicate "significantly" helps to cut group underwriting emissions by 80%

    10 April 2024

    The reinsurer also outlined its GHG emissions progress on coal re/insurance

  • Eiopa sets out supervisory expectations for third-country reinsurance

    10 April 2024

    The supervisory statement follows last year's stakeholder consultation

  • Lloyd's syndicates expect premium rate rises to taper this year

    10 April 2024

    Rate increases were experienced across the breadth of underwriting lines in 2023

  • Syndicates publicly support Lloyd's Blueprint Two digitalisation project

    10 April 2024

    One syndicate says the drive to make costs more efficient is critically important

  • Fiduciaries considering future PRT deals "should tread very carefully"

    09 April 2024

    PRT under pressure as litigation and regulation combine

  • Claims inflation plagued Lloyd's syndicates in 2023

    09 April 2024

    Historical inflation data for best estimate reserves "not likely" to represent today's climate, warns IQUW

  • Climate campaigners set out fresh demands for insurers in "Dear CEO" letter

    09 April 2024

    Insurers are meeting in Los Angeles for a sustainability summit

  • California wildfire syndicate posts first 'year loss, but not due to fire

    09 April 2024

    Fires on Hawaii, not in California, made news in Lloyd's syndicate results for 2023