
  • The Philippines' regulator issues minimum capital warning

    19 February 2020

    Come up with P900m minimum capital by 28 February or face closure, insurers are warned

  • ASR's non-life business boosts 2019 results

    19 February 2020

    Dutch firm's operating result grew by €109m with non-life the largest driver

  • Ageas CEO hails "remarkable year" as profit nears €1bn

    19 February 2020

    Losses from storms Ciara/Sabine and Dennis expected to top €60m

  • Aspen hires CRO from Swiss Re America

    19 February 2020

    Crystal Ottaviano takes over from Tim Aman

  • Athene eyes more business in UK pension risk transfer

    18 February 2020

    US life insurer grows profits in 2019 thanks to investment income

  • IASB's Hoogervorst defends IFRS 17 as global standard, despite US exclusion

    18 February 2020

    Chair of accounting standards board says life insurer troubles could have been avoided

  • Start small to assess IFRS 17 impact, say experts

    18 February 2020

    Panellists at InsuranceERM's IFRS 17 conference share lessons learned from impact assessments

  • FCA readies assault on 'unfair' insurance pricing

    18 February 2020

    Add-on prices also continue to cause harm to consumers, warns the regulator

  • Singapore's insurers extend coronavirus cover

    18 February 2020

    The country had 77 cases confirmed by yesterday, and 53 in hospital

  • Commercial insurance price rises in Q4 2019 best for eight years

    18 February 2020

    Marsh finds prices rose 11% overall, globally