
  • CRO Forum analyses carbon footprinting for underwriting portfolios

    04 May 2020

    Methodologies and options for measuring carbon dioxide emissions discussed in report

  • Insurtech weekly: Insurtech market funding: Lloyd's Lab: Neptune: Qoala: Even Financial: Omni:us

    04 May 2020

    InsuranceERM rounds up the latest developments in the fast-moving insurtech sector

  • Allianz tightens coal exposure policy

    04 May 2020

    German insurer updates plan to phase out coal underwriting by 2040

  • UK insurers hold talks over £100m charity fund

    04 May 2020

    Aviva, Hiscox and RSA, together with the ABI, have reportedly held discussions

  • Covid-19 takes its toll on Berkshire Hathaway

    04 May 2020

    The firm posted large losses in its reinsurance and investment operations

  • Carbon Underwriting and Asta launch Lloyd's syndicate in a box

    04 May 2020

    Debut follows mixed year for Asta's various syndicates

  • Hiscox Covid-19 action groups join forces

    04 May 2020

    Night Time Industries Association and Hiscox Action Group to combine actions against insurer

  • Legal risk escalates over Covid-19 business interruption claims

    01 May 2020

    Hospitality Insurance Group Action heaps further pressure on insurers

  • Covid-19 general insurance losses estimated at $32bn-80bn

    01 May 2020

    Willis Towers Watson examines potential outcomes for US and UK insurers

  • Covid-19 pandemic likely to last two years

    01 May 2020

    The virus will not be halted until 60% to 70% of the population is immune, say US medical experts