
  • German insurers face €500m bill for voluntary business compensation

    18 May 2020

    GDV says business policies in Germany very clear on pandemics

  • Aon's ReMetrica revs up with V8 launch

    17 May 2020

    Update includes a model-building tool for non-technical users

  • UK conduct regulator issues Covid-19 customer support measures

    15 May 2020

    Financial Conduct Authority says the measures come into force this Monday

  • IFRS 17 to minimally impact insurance product design and pricing

    15 May 2020

    Milliman's study focused on European countries that have adopted Solvency II

  • Covid-19 demolishes Liberty Mutual Q1 profit

    15 May 2020

    Net income dropped by $150m

  • CNP Assurances' helping hand sees Q1 earnings fall 3%

    15 May 2020

    Solvency II ratio falls 9 points to 218% in quarter

  • Covid-19 does 8x more damage to Axa than pandemic mortality alone

    15 May 2020

    Sensitivity analysis in SFCR reveals modelled moves in year-end Solvency II coverage

  • Asian lockdowns cut AIA's VNOB by 27%

    15 May 2020

    Digitalisation accelerated but face-to-face meetings still important, says CEO

  • Rumble in the restaurant: US insurance chief fired after arrest

    14 May 2020

    FCCI's CEO Craig Johnson allegedly battered police officers at a restaurant

  • Covid-19 is accelerating digital adoption, insurers told

    14 May 2020

    Capgemini and Efma World Insurance Report 2020 says hyper-personalisation is key today