
  • US insurers denounce racial injustice after George Floyd's death

    02 June 2020

    Floyd, an African American, died from asphyxiation caused by white police officer

  • Transition out of lockdown will be a focus for UK regulator

    01 June 2020

    Not all insurers were well prepared for Covid-19, says Bank of England

  • Hiscox made BI goodwill payments due to "misinformation"

    01 June 2020

    Business interruption policyholders were found to have received incorrect information regarding Covid-19 coverage

  • ABI chair and former MP join UK's pandemic risk pool initiative

    01 June 2020

    Pandemic Re Steering Committee forms six working groups

  • FCA pinpoints key policy wordings over Covid-19 BI claims

    01 June 2020

    The regulator examined over 500 polices from 40 insurers

  • Hong Kong sales rose in Q1, though pandemic effects evident

    01 June 2020

    Sales to mainland visitors suffer 27% quarterly drop

  • Hiscox offers goodwill compensation over BI claims

    01 June 2020

    Report suggests specialist insurer is responding to criticism over Covid-19 payouts

  • Insurers urged to up their digital game post-Covid-19

    29 May 2020

    Insurtech chief executives argue digital transformation is critical in the post-pandemic era

  • Generali Hong Kong picks SAP for IFRS 17 transformation

    29 May 2020

    Implementing SAP eliminates manual tasks, CFO says

  • UK names four IAIGs

    29 May 2020

    Internationally active insurance groups will be supervised according to global rules