
  • Phoenix strengthens its bulk purchase annuity team

    11 August 2021

    BPA market was slow in H1, but will return to normal in H2, says CEO Andy Briggs

  • Prudential's pricing strategy stays resilient despite Covid-19

    11 August 2021

    India and Indonesia are its biggest markets most exposed to the pandemic

  • José Morago joins Allianz Personal as interim risk director

    11 August 2021

    Allianz Personal has been created after Allianz restructured its UK operations

  • Talanx warns of €300m in net flood costs for Q3

    11 August 2021

    Group net income rose 68% year on year in H1 - and costs from Covid-19 more than halved

  • Munich Re forecasts "mid triple-digit million" losses from Europe's floods

    10 August 2021

    Covid-19-related losses totalled around €505m for the first half of the year

  • Floods and storms blow Suncorp's nat cat budget

    10 August 2021

    Australian insurer welcomes A$10bn government property reinsurance pool

  • UKEB urges greater disclosure with IFRS 17 and 9 mismatch solution

    10 August 2021

    Extra information requirements are proposed for insurers

  • IPCC climate study must spur action, say UK insurers

    09 August 2021

    The ABI said the sector has a crucial role to play as both insurers and investors

  • Life portfolio adjustment helps boost UnipolSai's solvency ratio

    09 August 2021

    The insurer has no plans to redeploy €6.8bn of excess capital

  • ACLI resists calls to abolish Federal Insurance Office

    09 August 2021

    The US industry body's stance is at odds with that of state representatives