
  • Scor hit with an €80m loss in Q1

    06 May 2022

    The Russia-Ukraine war and natural catastrophes contributed to the loss

  • Beazley bolsters reserves over war-driven inflation

    06 May 2022

    Adrian Cox said the war in Ukraine meant inflation would last longer than previously expected

  • QBE estimates Ukraine losses at $95m

    06 May 2022

    Climate resolutions rejected at AGM vote

  • Global convergence of ICS regime is unlikely, Fitch warns

    05 May 2022

    The first two years of the global insurance capital standard's monitoring period have been completed

  • Swiss Re hit by $248m losses amid heavy Ukraine conflict reserving

    05 May 2022

    The Swiss reinsurer booked $283m in reserves related to the ongoing war

  • US insurers slam S&P's "excessively conservative" capital model review

    05 May 2022

    ACLI submits 41-page document to outline concerns

  • Australian floods dominate Talanx's Q1 losses

    05 May 2022

    Claims from European storms and Australian floods shatter Q1 large-loss budget

  • German regulator "intensively supervising" 20 life firms

    05 May 2022

    Low yields and high promises the reason, says BaFin chief

  • FCA pricing rules hit Direct Line in Q1

    04 May 2022

    The insurer said motor and home pricing were not keeping up with claims inflation

  • Hannover Re sets aside €143m for Ukraine war and ponders further measures

    04 May 2022

    The group also exceeded its budgeted expenditure for major losses by over €50m