
  • Allianz's natcat costs in Q1 hit decade high

    12 May 2022

    But operating profits grew 11% for asset management, year on year

  • UK insurers stalling on IFRS 17 disclosure

    11 May 2022

    Grant Thornton analysis of 2021 reports finds little information beyond project progress

  • Bermudian insurers remain deficient in climate modelling

    11 May 2022

    Majority of insurers not using vendor cat models for climate projections, the BMA finds

  • Ex-Hiscox chief Bronek Masojada flags four top reinsurance trends

    11 May 2022

    Re/insurers should be change-makers rather than wave-surfers

  • Aviva CEO responds to sexist remarks

    11 May 2022

    Amanda Blanc said the more senior the role she has taken, "the more overt the unacceptable behaviour"

  • Allianz books additional €1.9bn provision for Structured Alpha in Q1

    11 May 2022

    Group estimates this will cover remaining costs linked to hedge funds

  • "Plainly sexist" remarks about Aviva CEO reveal progress to be made

    10 May 2022

    Amanda Blanc was told at Aviva's AGM yesterday she is "not the man for the job"

  • Munich Re hit with €100m in Q1 claims from Russia-Ukraine war

    10 May 2022

    Reinsurer's CFO Christoph Jurecka said the conflict severely impacted its result

  • Australia risking "pariah status" among investors by insuring coal

    10 May 2022

    Adani requested federal backstop for mutual pool

  • UKEB votes in favour of IFRS 17 adoption

    09 May 2022

    UKEB's assessment of the true and fair principle on IFRS 17 continues to be challenged