
  • Axis Re launches weather risk desk

    11 June 2013

    Edgar Bautista and Sandeep Ramachandran appointed as co-heads

  • Insured losses from German flood to reach €2.5bn-3bn

    11 June 2013

    But impact on insurers' credit profiles "should be minimal", says Fitch

  • Tokio and GC Securities launch cat bond platform

    10 June 2013

    Aims to reach smaller buyers of excess-of-loss catastrophe reinsurance

  • Shaun Wang joins Geneva Association

    10 June 2013

    Former GSU professor to head think-tank's research

  • Prophet to interface with GEMS

    10 June 2013

    SunGard's modelling software connects with Conning's economic scenario generator

  • PRA appoints Prettejohn to board

    07 June 2013

    Will resign from L&G's board before taking up post

  • Austrian insurer licenses Conning ESG

    07 June 2013

    Uniqa Group takes GEMS to support modelling with LSMC

  • XL Group's McGavick to chair Geneva Association

    06 June 2013

    Nikolaus von Bomhard steps down after reaching four-year limit

  • Australian regulator sees room for improvement in first ORSA submissions

    06 June 2013

    But industry generally does a "good job" on Lagic implementation

  • Allianz's renewable energy investment tops €1.5bn following Google deal

    06 June 2013

    Deal matches long-term liabilities of insurance companies