
  • Allianz plans more equity and infrastructure investments

    15 April 2014

    Another €5bn to be committed to equities

  • Derivatives used for hedging by two out of three life insurers

    14 April 2014

    Interest-rate, equity and currency risks are the main ones hedged, Milliman survey finds

  • Swiss Re names co-founder of BlackRock to board

    14 April 2014

    Susan Wagner becomes non-executive director

  • ABI and IMA to form new investment entity

    11 April 2014

    Daniel Godfrey to be chief executive

  • Global reinsurer capital continues inexorable climb

    11 April 2014

    New high reached of $540bn, says Aon Benfield

  • FCA warns annuity firms over new business models

    10 April 2014

    Competition study continues, but with different scope

  • ILS market draws more cash from money managers and mutual funds

    09 April 2014

    Justifying private placements increasingly difficult, says Willis report

  • TSR predicts quieter US hurricane season

    08 April 2014

    Activity may be 40% below recent norm

  • Auto-enrolment boosts UK group life markets

    08 April 2014

    Almost 11m people now covered through workplace, says Swiss Re

  • Towers Watson appoints UK consultancy head

    07 April 2014

    Tammy Richardson succeeds Steve Shurety