
  • Seven insurers fail stress tests in Germany

    16 July 2014

    May be forced to seek additional capital

  • NAIC heads for full governance review

    16 July 2014

    US commissioners seek independent advice after months of infighting

  • Jardine closes $30m light cat bond

    16 July 2014

    Private placement utilises parametric trigger

  • AIR updates cat modelling platform

    15 July 2014

    Version 2.0 of Touchstone adds non-catastrophe analysis

  • Capital injection prompts Doha Insurance upgrade

    15 July 2014

    S&P says balance sheet more resilient

  • Zurich to double investment in green bonds

    15 July 2014

    Largest commitment to date for growing market

  • Texas hail storm to cost $400m

    14 July 2014

    Abilene second major hit in three years

  • Generali sells Swiss private bank for $1.7bn

    14 July 2014

    Disposal boosts Solvency I ratio by 9 percentage points

  • ILS markets may have found their floor

    14 July 2014

    Investors pushing back on prices, says Swiss Re

  • Insurers denounce excessive restrictions on the use of USPs

    14 July 2014

    Insurance Europe accuses regulators of going beyond Solvency II text