
  • UK insurers may face resolution plans

    06 October 2014

    PRA will consult industry

  • AIR launches US inland flood model

    06 October 2014

    Incorporates regional differences in building codes

  • MetLife contests systemic risk designation

    06 October 2014

    Largest US life insurer seeks to avoid heightened regulation

  • CBI survey: life insurers to boost spending on regulatory compliance

    06 October 2014

    Solvency II rules behind capital expenditure increase

  • RSA places tier 2 £400m bond

    03 October 2014

    Insurers flood subordinated bond market in the run up to Solvency II

  • Council presses Commission to reduce securitisation charges further

    03 October 2014

    Call for alignment of 'look-through' approach with banking directive

  • IERM comment: reinsurance lag

    02 October 2014

    Why has it taken the FSB so long to label reinsurers as systemic risks?

  • Allianz chief to quit in May

    02 October 2014

    Diekmann was rumoured to be staying to manage Pimco troubles

  • Typhoon Phanfone heads for Japan

    02 October 2014

    Could threaten Grand Prix

  • Allianz rating unchanged despite Pimco reshuffle

    01 October 2014

    S&P holds German insurer at AA