
  • Indian insurers need capital injection of over $8bn

    09 October 2014

    Regulator admits foreign investment could help plug the gap

  • Roff heads to Grant Thornton

    09 October 2014

    Former EEA actuarial head of EEA at KPMG

  • US insurers should not fear interest rate spike

    08 October 2014

    CreditSights gauges sector exposure as QE ends

  • Insurance Europe preps new parliament on regulation v growth

    08 October 2014

    Lays out main issues for insurers

  • Innovation to drive UK annuity market

    08 October 2014

    ATM withdrawals possible says EY

  • Allied World makes foray into real estate sector

    08 October 2014

    Buys stake in private-equity firm Blue Vista

  • Stihler appointed Solvency II rapporteur

    07 October 2014

    Parliamentary group meets next week to discuss delegated acts

  • Michael Renz to chair AAE

    07 October 2014

    Succeeds Malcom Campbell as chairman of European actuaries group

  • RSA names next group CRO

    07 October 2014

    William McDonnell to replace David Weymouth

  • US federal regulators review process for designating systemic insurers

    07 October 2014

    Minutes of closed-door vote show divisions over MetLife