
  • Regulators eye far-reaching resolution plans

    27 October 2014

    Requirements should apply beyond systemic insurers, says BaFin

  • LV= highlights popularity of fixed term annuity

    27 October 2014

    2014 life sales up £100m

  • Huff questions use of capital requirements

    24 October 2014

    Commissioner calls for alternative tools to target systemic risk

  • Lower nat cat hits boost Chubb in Q3

    24 October 2014

    Continues share repurchases

  • MPs urge scrapping of approved persons regime

    24 October 2014

    Recommendation comes after investigation into Co-op Bank

  • Regulators warned against "reckless prudence"

    23 October 2014

    Capital requirements beyond reason says Davies

  • Regulators cast doubt over global standards timeline

    23 October 2014

    FSB downplays criticism; encourages IAIS to stick to the plan

  • Asset-liability matching excluded from Basic Capital Requirements

    23 October 2014

    Average level 75% of group-wide prescribed capital

  • Gonzalo insured losses estimated at $400m

    23 October 2014

    Second storm to hit Bermuda in a week

  • IERM Comment: Mixture adjustment

    23 October 2014

    The PRA's guidance on the matching adjustment is welcome, but there are still significant grey areas