The evolution of global pension risk transfer markets


Pension risk transfer (PRT) – the transfer of liabilities from corporate-sponsored pension plans to insurers – has become one of the largest drivers of growth for life insurers globally.

Join InsuranceERM and Legal & General Retirement America for this webinar to discuss discuss the evolving conditions in the US, UK, Canada and Netherlands PRT markets.

Topics to be discussed include:

Characteristics of each market (size of opportunity, insurers active)

Common deal structures and how they may evolve

Considerations for pension plan sponsors

How regulatory issues could affect the supply-demand balance

Other influences on supply-demand, e.g. interest rates


Adrian Somerfield
Origination & Execution Director, UK PRT, Legal & General
Alex Gagnon
Interim U.S. Head of Distribution, Legal & General Retirement America
Charlie Finch
Partner, LCP
Chris Cundy (Moderator)
Managing Editor, InsuranceERM
Megan Nichols
Senior Partner and Head of Pension Settlement Solutions, Aon
