Enterprise Risk Management Technology Guide 2024/25

Ortec Finance - GLASS

Type of System

  • Analytics
  • Asset/liability management
  • Capital modelling
  • Climate risk management
  • Economic / risk scenario generator
  • Internal/external reporting
  • Portfolio analysis/hedging
  • Solvency II solution
  • Stress and scenario testing

Type of platform

  • Cloud
  • Desktop-based
  • Grid
  • SaaS
  • Server-based

Other features - does your offering facilitate

  • Curve-fitting
  • Least-squares Monte Carlo
  • Solvency II internal model
  • Solvency II standard formula

What are the typical implementation costs?

GLASS is based on a subscription or licence model. Implementation costs vary, mostly depending on the client’s selected scope, as well depending on the client’s IT structure and connectivity situation.

How long does your software take to implement on site?

All implementations are bespoke. Timelines are dependent upon the client’s selected scope, IT structure and connectivity situation

Please name companies that use the system/solution

ING - a global bank with a strong European base.

Philips Pension Fund - the administrator of the pension plans for current and former employees of its two associated companies in the Netherlands.

OMERS - one of Canada's largest defined benefit pension plans.

NTUC Income - the leading composite insurer in Singapore offering life, health and general insurance.

eLo - a large Finnish pension insurance company


GLASS, a comprehensive asset allocation and balance sheet management solution for life, nonlife, and composite insurers.


[email protected]

Guide entries by Ortec Finance