Enterprise Risk Management Technology Guide 2024/25

SS&C Algorithmics - SS&C Algorithmics for Insurance

Type of System

  • Analytics
  • Asset/liability management
  • Capital modelling
  • Data management
  • Economic / risk scenario generator
  • End-to-end ERM
  • Environmental, social and governance
  • Internal/external reporting
  • Portfolio analysis/hedging
  • Pricing
  • Solvency II solution
  • Spreadsheet risk management
  • Stress and scenario testing
  • Market risk
  • credit risk
  • liquidity risk
  • Monte Carlo
  • stochastic projections
  • proxy modelling
  • cash-flow analytics
  • portfolio optimisation
  • strategic asset allocation

Type of platform

  • Cloud
  • Desktop-based
  • Grid
  • SaaS
  • Server-based
  • Web-based

Other features - does your offering facilitate

  • Curve-fitting
  • Least-squares Monte Carlo
  • Replicating portfolios
  • Solvency II internal model
  • Solvency II standard formula

Please name companies that use the system/solution

Legal & General; AXA; Achmea; Unipol; and many others in Europe, Asia-Pacific, North and South America.

Do you have an open API?

Yes. The software components of the Algorithmics solution are available as microservices that can be integrated within custom workflows. 

Does your solution incorporate AI technology? How?

SS&C Algorithmics for Insurance incorporates Artificial Intelligence algorithms in a transparent and efficient manner. Two notable examples are:

  • Intelligent Automation (IA), powered by BluePrism. This can be used to solve repetitive tasks, operational bottlenecks and manually intensive processes, such as validation of data and generation of reports.
  • Machine Learning (ML) for portfolio construction. This can be employed to automate the calibration of Replicating Portfolios and improve their robustness.  

Most recent significant update:

The solution is continuously updated. A notable example of recent innovation is a new high performance simulation engine, capable of accelerating the Monte Carlo simulation of sample insurance portfolios of assets and liabilities up to 1,000 times.

How does your solution integrate with third-party systems or in-house systems?

Our end-to-end solution is built upon a set of modular components which can be integrated within existing architectures through a set of APIs or simple text files. They can be deployed on-prem or on-cloud, managed directly by clients or offered as a service by our team.

What is the key attribute of your product(s) that differentiates it from your competitors?

SS&C Algorithmics for Insurance is a comprehensive solution for advanced risk and capital calculations, which differentiates itself for its functional breadth, technical innovation and user experience. Supported functionalities include:

  • Scenario generation (real-world, risk-neutral, multi-step, copulas, etc.)
  • Granular asset modelling by terms and conditions
  • Coverage includes alternatives, funds, structure products, etc.
  • Proxies for liabilities (e.g. curve fitting, replicating portfolios)
  • Large Monte Carlo simulations over any time horizon
  • Calculation of risk and solvency capital requirements
  • Joint market and credit (default and migration) risk analytics
  • ALM (e.g. cash-flow mismatch, key rate sensitivities)
  • Scenario-based optimization (e.g. for strategic asset allocation)
  • Liquidity and concentration risk monitoring
  • Climate scenarios and ESG reporting

What trends are you seeing in terms of customer demand?

Complex assets modelling, including alternatives and fund look-through, are a common demand. Increased granularity, combined with the need of stable risk indicators and precise risk attribution, often comes with a requirement of large simulations and high-performance computing, particularly on cloud. 
The other growing functional requirements revolve around ESG and climate risk. On the one hand, climate stress tests must be integrated in the risk and capital management system. On the other hand, sustainability metrics are needed for portfolio construction, e.g. as constraints in portfolio optimisation.


Email: [email protected]



Guide entries by SS&C Algorithmics