Enterprise Risk Management Technology Guide 2024/25

Stoch Analytics - Atlas

Type of System

  • Asset/liability management
  • Capital modelling
  • Economic / risk scenario generator
  • Exposure management
  • IFRS 17 solution
  • Internal/external reporting
  • LDTI solution
  • Portfolio analysis/hedging
  • Reserving solution
  • Risk management
  • Stress and scenario testing

Type of platform

  • Cloud
  • Desktop-based
  • Grid

Other features - does your offering facilitate

  • IFRS 17
  • LDTI
  • NAIC Principle-based reserving

What are the typical implementation costs?

Approximately 50-80% of first-year licensing costs.

How long does your software take to implement on site?

Approximately 3-6 months.


Guide entries by Stoch Analytics