Enterprise Risk Management Technology Guide 2024/25

KPMG - DEvent

Type of System

  • Asset/liability management
  • Capital modelling
  • Catastrophe modelling
  • Governance, risk, compliance (GRC)
  • IFRS 17 solution
  • Portfolio analysis/hedging
  • Solvency II solution
  • Stress and scenario testing

Type of platform

  • Cloud
  • Desktop-based
  • Grid
  • SaaS
  • Server-based
  • Web-based

Other features - does your offering facilitate

  • Curve-fitting
  • Replicating portfolios
  • Solvency II internal model
  • Solvency II standard formula

What are the typical implementation costs?

Implementation costs vary depending on the scope and complexity of your project. DEvent installation and implementation is straightforward.

A full pack of libraries is also available:

  • Liability: savings (With profit and unit link) and annuity (deferred and immediate annuity)
  • Asset: Risk free bond, Risky bond, Index (Equity, Real Estate, etc.), Cash, Interest rate derivative, Equity derivative
  • ALM: Strategic Asset Allocation module, various profit-sharing calculation modules
  • Financial library: Standard pricing formulas
  • Actuarial library: Standard commutation number formulas
  • Solvency 2 library: Module which allows to automatise Solvency 2 stress computations


How long does your software take to implement on site?

A standard stochastic ALM model can be built in less than one week (from scratch or using existing libraries for complex models).

Integration with third-party or in-house systems can be done easily with provided DLL or connectors.

The new web-based modelling platform is now available on-premise (customer data centres) or in SaaS mode (cloud solution).

Please name companies that use the system/solution

Large insurance companies mainly located in Europe.


DEvent: a comprehensive and easy-to-use financial and capital modelling platform that supports both life and non-life modelling.


[email protected]

Guide entries by KPMG