Enterprise Risk Management Technology Guide 2024/25

RiskBusiness Services Limited - Graci

Type of System

  • Climate risk management
  • Cyber risk management
  • Data management
  • Economic / risk scenario generator
  • Governance, risk, compliance (GRC)
  • Internal/external reporting
  • Operational risk management
  • Spreadsheet risk management
  • Stress and scenario testing
  • Risk Content libraries e.g. KRI’s; Scenarios; Taxonomy; Regulations & Newsflashes Plus the GOLD service, an operational loss data consortia for the global B&FSI

Type of platform

  • Cloud
  • SaaS
  • Web-based

Other features - does your offering facilitate

Least-squares Monte Carlo

What are the typical implementation costs?

Varies depending on the size of the project.

How long does your software take to implement on site?

Varies depending on the size of the project but typically small projects can be implemented in a few weeks, medium projects in a couple of months, large projects in 3-6 months.


Graci is the GRAC SaaS based flagship product of RiskBusiness, augmented by 5 content libraries and our GOLD operational loss data service. Our solutions are modern, rich in functionality, quick to deploy and so very cost effective. Our client base is global comprising firms across the B&FSI industry. As Graci is a modular solution, clients only use and pay for those components and services that they require. Clients can choose to implement a full GRC solution including Audit or parts thereof to enhance incumbent GRC systems. Graci utilizes machine learning technology and the latest functionality supports Industry Risk maps, Risk appetite, emerging risks allowing firms to be not just reactive but have a proactive 360 degree perspective of their business.


[email protected]

Guide entries by RiskBusiness Services Limited