Absolute return panel

L - R: Edoardo Rulli, Adrian Hull, Pete Drewienkiewicz, Hugo Coelho


PANEL DISCUSSION: The capital challenge of absolute return funds - how appealing really is the risk/return profile?

  • Getting to the bottom of absolute return funds: What are they really made up of?
  • Calculating the capital for an absolute return strategy - how do you come up with a capital basis that is reasonable and will mean it is a worthwhile investment?
    • SII and accounting challenges: How can you achieve "look through"?
    • How do you track the underlying capital of such a diverse and unpredictable asset mix?
    • How do you prove to the regulator that the risk management calculation is appropriate?
  • How do absolute return funds fit/comply with strategic asset allocations?
  • Are they for everyone?
  • How are absolute return funds actually performing?

Adrian Hull, Senior Investment Specialist, KAMES CAPITAL
Edoardo Rulli
, Partner, Falcon Money Management
Pete Drewienkiewicz
, Head of Manager Research, REDINGTON
Moderator: Hugo Coelho, INSURANCEERM