is pleased to announce that the Regulation & Risk Management conference will take place on 3 December 2019 at Hilton London Tower Bridge.

This conference looks at cyber, outsourcing, digital transformation, business models and recovery and resolution in the face of disruption.


This event is part of InsuranceERM's annual Insurance Risk & Capital conference, which features four different streams (separately bookable)

One event, one venue, four streams
2-3 December 2019, Hilton London Tower Bridge


Monday 2 December 2019:

3 December:

**Special rates available if you would like to book multiple streams. Please visit the registration page.

Attend the Insurance Risk & Capital conference to:

  • Join 400+ delgates including CROs, Chief Actuaries, Chief Investment Officers and Regulators
  • Discuss the key issues in enterprise risk management
  • Debate the present and future challenges facing the insurance industry
  • Network with your peers - 80% of the attendees are re/insurers and regulators
  • Hear from 60+ expert speakers


"What I value is the broad dialogue about risk, capital and solvency II"

"This event is the most senior level in the risk world"

"The two reasons I come to InsuranceERM's events are to network with other CROs and also to listen to diverse views and thoughts"
Pension Insurance Corporation

"These events are absolutely essential to our industry"
Scottish Widows

"The conference brings together a variety of stakeholders to discuss a broad range of topics, which is a great advantage"


For sponsorship opportunities please contact: Oli Henry
Phone: +44 (0)20 3651 7208

For all other enquiries, please contact: Molly Spicer
Phone: +44 (0)20 3651 7206



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