Insurance Risk & Capital, Bermuda

Hamilton Princess Hotel • 76 Pitts Bay Rd, HM08, Bermuda



Registration and morning coffee


Welcome and opening remarks

Ross Webber, CEO, Bermuda Business Development Agency
The Hon. David Burt, JP, MP
, Premier, Government of Bermuda


Keynote: Insurance Outlook 2018

  • Risk management: more than risk transfer
  • Current dynamics and the market cycle
  • The peril and promise of the protection gap

Jonathan Reiss, Group CFO, Hamilton Insurance Group


Regulatory panel discussion: Overcoming the challenges around group supervision in the absence of regulatory convergence

Craig Swan, Managing Director, Supervision, Bermuda Monetary Authority
Elisabetta Russo, ERM Advisor, NAIC
Edward Mishambi, Vice President, Head of Risk & Regulatory Affairs and Assistant Treasurer, RenaissanceRe
Moderator: Chris Cundy, Managing Editor, InsuranceERM


Morning coffee break


Panel discussion: Cybersecurity: examining the risks and opportunities

  • Operational risk
    • Securing the business environment
    • Proactive defence and ongoing training of the workforce 
  • Examining Blockchain's potential for reducing cyber risk
  • Demystifying cyber insurance coverage

David Friston, Senior Vice President and Head of AIG Cat Excess Liability, AIG
Noel  Pearman, Senior Vice President and Cyber Product Lead, XL Catlin
Rick Welsh
, CEO, Sciemus Ltd

Moderator:  Brett Henshilwood, Partner, Deloitte


Presentation: Rigour and robustness around reporting and modelling

  • Are our risk frameworks fit for purpose?
  • How might risk frameworks need to adapt in the future?
  • Industrialising the risk modelling process

Dean Roberts, Business Development Executive, Aon Benfield, London
Seadna Kirwan,
Risk Advisory Director, Aon Insurance Managers, Bermuda




Panel: Investing in InsurTech to stay ahead in re/insurance markets

  • Examining the key aspects of InsurTech
    • Blockchain
    • Automation (eg of underwriting)
    • Big Data
    • The Internet of Things
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Machine Learning
    • RegTech
  • Strategies for adopting InsurTech (launching an incubator, partnering with an InsurTech startup)
  • The challenges of regulating InsurTech

Blythe Walker, Chief Technology Officer, RenaissanceRe
Jay Rajendra
, Chief Analytics Officer, Arch Capital Group
Nick Cardinez
, Chief Financial Officer, Hannover Re (Bermuda) Ltd
Moderator: Chris Maiato, Principal, Ernst & Young


Panel: Risk culture and the changing role of the CRO

  • What impact has regulatory change had on your role as CRO over the last few years?
  • What new and soft skills are now required of a CRO?
  • Which risks are currently challenging you and your team?  
  • What do you consider to be the role of the risk team in embedding risk management in the organisation's risk culture?
  • Do you see any danger in assigning risk culture to the 'expert' and how have you been able to break down silos within the organisation to facilitate communication between departments?

Andrew Smith, Chief Risk Officer, Qatar Reinsurance Company Limited
Liz Cunningham, Chief Risk Officer, Nautilus Indemnity Holdings
Sylvia Oliveira
, Chief Executive Officer, Wilton Re Bermuda

Paolo Fiandesio
, Senior Manager, EY


Afternoon coffee break


Presentation: developing new capital standards

  • Key aspects of the Insurance Capital Standard (ICS) of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS)
  • Stocktake on the ICS project
  • Main challenges

Ricardo Garcia, Chief Actuary, Bermuda Monetary Authority



Panel discussion: Innovation and change in the re/insurance industry

  • Examining the new breed of hedge fund reinsurance
  • The growth of the life reinsurance sector in Bermuda

Chantal Cardinez, Chief Executive Officer, Hannover Life Reinsurance Bermuda Ltd
Manu Sareen, Head of Reinsurance and Co-CEO, Global Atlantic Re Limited
Dan Malloy, Chief Underwriting Officer, Third Point Re
Moderator: Charles Scherer, Senior Vice President - Insurance-Linked Securities, Aon Risk Solutions




Joint presentation: Staying ahead of the curve: identifying the risks of tomorrow and examining how those risks are transferred/ underwritten

  • Populism, protectionism and deregulation:  how might political trends impact on the global economy and the (re)insurance market?
  • Providing (re)insurance to cover the cyber risks of the Internet of Things
  • The hunt for the 'next asbestos'
  • Natural disaster, catastrophic human error and terrorism

Leila Madeiros, Senior Vice President, Deputy Director and Corporate Secretary, Association of Bermuda Insurers and Reinsurers (ABIR)


End of conference and networking drinks reception

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