InsuranceERM's Global Climate Risk & Sustainability Awards 2024


Sustainable re/insurer of the year

  • What does it take to become InsuranceERM's Sustainable re/insurer of the year? Companies entering this category will be expected to have a well-defined climate and sustainability strategy. They should demonstrate a holistic approach to managing climate risk across underwriting, investments and own operations – and be a class leader in terms of climate modelling, analytics and reporting. They should provide evidence of an excellent track record of engagement with employees, clients, companies they invest in and other stakeholders. And finally, they should be innovative in terms of products and services that promote climate mitigation and climate resilience. This category is also open to MGAs.


Climate and sustainability consultancy of the year

  • Consultancies entering this category should be able to demonstrate thought leadership in the area of climate and sustainability, and how they have helped clients navigate complex problems in a collaborative way, ensuring knowledge transfer. Descriptions of work with clients and testimonials will be very useful to support your entry.


Climate and sustainability law firm of the year

  • This award is for law firms able to demonstrate exceptional client service in the insurance sector and legal expertise in the field of climate and sustainability. They should have a track record of successfully handling complex legal matters, delivering strategic advice and achieving favourable outcomes for clients. Winning firms should also display a commitment to social responsibility and community engagement, such as engaging in pro bono work or participating in initiatives that promote sustainability.


Climate and sustainability asset manager of the year

  • This award recognises in-house and third-party asset managers who have made significant achievements in directing insurance investments towards sustainable assets; and/or developed innovative ways of measuring and managing sustainability and climate risks in assets and portfolios


People and teams

Climate and sustainability champion of the year

  • This award celebrates individuals who have displayed outstanding leadership in promoting climate and sustainability in the insurance sector. The judges will favour people who have led major initiatives, pioneered a particular strategy or technique, brought others together for a notable collaborative effort, influenced key debates, demonstrated a long-term commitment to climate and sustainability - and stuck at their goals in the face of strong headwinds.


Climate and sustainability rising star of the year

  • This award celebrates young individuals or those early in their insurance-sector careers who have demonstrated outstanding work in promoting climate and sustainability in the insurance sector. The judges will favour people who have played a key role in major initiatives, helped pioneered a particular strategy or technique, brought others together for a notable collaborative effort and influenced key debates.


Climate and sustainability team of the year

  • This award acknowledges exceptional achievements by teams from one organisation in the field of climate and sustainability in the insurance sector. The judges will favour teams that have pioneered a particular strategy or technique, influenced key debates, and demonstrated a long-term commitment to climate and sustainability.


Climate and sustainability collaboration of the year

  • This award honours collaborations that have developed products or methodologies, successfully engaged with stakeholders, or influenced the design of standards and legislation in the field of climate and sustainability in the insurance sector. The judges will be looking for collaborative efforts that resulted in ideas and concepts being widely adopted or had a strong influence on debates. Collaborations involving multiple stakeholders (e.g. not just insurers, but clients, civil society and legislators) are particularly encouraged to enter.


Initiatives and deals

Sustainable insurance initiative of the year

  • This award recognises exceptional innovations in sustainability practices in the insurance sector. The initiatives can include underwriting strategies, products and services, and campaigns that reduce environmental impacts and/or make a positive contribution to society. The initiative should ideally demonstrate measurable results, positive impacts, scalability and replicability. This award is open to re/insurers, MGAs, brokers and other market participants.


Nature/biodiversity initiative of the year

  • This award specifically recognises exceptional innovation in terms of mitigating biodiversity loss in the insurance sector. The initiatives can include underwriting strategies, products and services, and campaigns that reduce environmental impacts and/or make a positive contribution to society. The initiative should ideally demonstrate measurable results, positive impacts, scalability and replicability.


Climate risk transfer deal of the year

  • This award celebrates ground-breaking transactions to transfer climate-related risks. This can include insurance, reinsurance and alternative risk transfer transactions. Deals can be notable because of their size, structure, (for example, if they include novel use of parametric triggers), climate/sustainability characteristics and the counterparties involved (for example, if they protect vulnerable sectors, communities and economies). Transactions that can demonstrate impact, scalability and replicability will be judged well.


Climate risk research paper of the year

  • This award is open to industry participants as well as academics that have produced exceptional and influential research in the field of climate risk in the insurance sector. Entries should demonstrate originality, rigorous methodologies, impact (in terms of citations, if applicable; media coverage or social media reaction) and clarity of communication.


Climate/sustainability report of the year

  • Do you think you produced the industry-leading climate or sustainability report for 2023? This award recognises insurers who excel in outlining their climate and sustainability practices for the 2023 reporting year. Judged on presentation and content, it honours exemplary use of advanced methodologies, meaningful engagement with insured parties and significant advancements in sustainability practices. Eligible reports include sustainability reports, dedicated climate reports or those adhering to the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations.


Software and technology

Climate risk analytics solution of the year

  • This award recognises software and services that help firms assess, manage or stress-test climate risk exposures. Entries should demonstrate a class-leading approach, positive impacts, and a strong and/or fast-growing client list. Client testimonials are welcomed.


Climate regulatory and reporting solution of the year

  • This award recognises software and services that help re/insurers and brokers comply with regulatory demands and report on climate-related risks. Entries should demonstrate a class-leading approach, ability to respond to changing regulations, positive impacts, and a strong and/or fast-growing client list. Client testimonials are welcomed.


Climate risk modelling solution of the year

  • This award recognises software and services that help re/insurers and brokers model climate-related risks. Entries should demonstrate a class-leading approach, positive impacts, and a strong and/or fast-growing client list. Client testimonials are welcomed.


Climate data provider of the year

  • This award recognises data providers that help meet the requirements of re/insurers and brokers for climate-related data. This can include data that helps manage physical, transition and litigation climate risks e.g. information on physical infrastructure, geospatial imagery, and carbon footprinting; ESG ratings of financial assets; and data for creating parametric insurance products. Entries should demonstrate a class-leading approach, compliance with requirements from multiple regulatory jurisdictions, positive impacts, and a strong and/or fast-growing client list. Client testimonials are welcomed.


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