InsuranceERM's Annual Awards 2025 - UK & Europe

Diversity and inclusion excellence: LCP

LCP's integration of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) principles into its core operations and active participation in industry-wide diversity initiatives have earned it this excellence award.

Central to LCP's efforts is the integration of DEI principles, ensuring that DEI initiatives are embedded within its people principles and client engagements.

This holistic approach underscores the firm's belief that a diverse and inclusive organisation is more innovative and better positioned to serve its clients effectively.

LCP's commitment to DEI was exemplified through several key initiatives. The firm's foundation, for example, allocated £250,000 ($322,894) in 2024/25 to support charitable causes.

The actuarial consultancy has also introduced a new DEI Committee, responsible for developing and supporting LCP to deliver and promote its overall DEI strategy. LCP has further strengthened its DEI leadership by launching targeted initiatives, including the publication of its first ethnicity pay gap report alongside its annual gender pay gap reporting.

LCP's employee-led networks, including the Women's Network and Multicultural Network, have organised events and articles, such as a discussion on women's health, aiming to raise awareness and promote health equity.

For example, on one occasion, LCP's Women's Network and Multicultural Networks, in conjunction with our Health Analytics team, hosted 123 people for an event exploring the challenges and disparities in women's health and how this can be addressed.

These concerted efforts reflect LCP's deep-seated commitment to creating an environment where diversity is celebrated, equity is pursued, and inclusion is the norm.

The firm's comprehensive approach to DEI has not only transformed its internal culture, but has also set a precedent for the broader industry, making it a deserving recipient of this prestigious award.

Asked how LCP's commitment to training and raising awareness on DEI has evolved over the past year, a spokesperson for the consultancy says: "Over recent years the scale of our DEI-related activities has grown significantly, so we established a new DEI Committee to develop and support strategy in this area which reports to LCP’s board.

"We have also held three DEI showcases in our Winchester, London and Edinburgh offices to give our people a chance to hear what initiatives and actions are being taken by our networks and across the firm."