InsuranceERM Annual Awards 2024 - Americas

Cyber risk solution of the year: CyberCube

CyberCube has retained its cyber risk solution of the year Americas award as its software-as-a-service (SaaS) tool continues to aid the cyber insurance market in meeting urgent coverage needs.

The firm offers a range of cyber risk analysis software tools aimed at the needs of re/insurance underwriters, brokers and portfolio managers.

Within the last year, the cyber risk analytics provider says it has grown strongly and amassed more than 100 clients for the first time. CyberCube says this means its software is now used by more than 75% of the top 40 US and European cyber insurance carriers.

In December 2023, version 5.0 of the firm's Account Manager software was launched, extending the capability of Portfolio Manager, its cyber risk modelling platform. Users that license both solutions can now measure how much any individual account impacts the loss profile of their overall portfolio in seconds, without requiring any additional modelling resources or delay, according to the cyber risk analytics provider.

"Account Manager v5.0 delivers a comprehensive, curated spectrum of impactful signals, analytics, and financial risk quantification to empower underwriters to make consistent, data-driven decisions," says Yvette Essen, head of content at CyberCube.

InsuranceERM's judges said the updated version of Account Manager "fills a needed gap in the industry" while CyberCube has shown "impressive coverage and growth".

Essen adds the firm's clients are seeking information regarding emergent risks, potential coverage issues and trends impacting the industry, including nation-state activity and the economy's resilience to cyber events.


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