InsuranceERM Annual Awards 2022 - Americas

ESG (Economic Scenario Generator) software of the year: Moody's Analytics

Economic scenario generators are vital tools to help insurers assess economic and regulatory capital, create strategic allocation plans, and price complex embedded guarantees and options.

Moody's Analytics has consistently been a leader in this market, and the depth of its offering and constant modernisation was recognised by the InsuranceERM judging panel this year.

Among the most important recent developments is the Climate Pathway Scenario Service, to help insurers with asset and liability projections as they attempt to quantify the financial impact of climate-related physical and transition risks.

Built on scenario generation software, the service captures the impact on market and credit risk associated with each global temperature-rise pathway, helping fulfil requirements for disclosing climate impacts to regulators and other stakeholders.

Moody's Analytics recently launched its Risk Integrated Credit Scenarios services, providing integrated modelling of market and credit risk in a multi-asset class framework.

This allows users to capture a view of risk across their whole asset portfolio alongside their liabilities. For example, users can understand how their portfolio holdings in different firms/issuers contribute to their overall risk, alongside understanding how these risks interact when they look at aggregated "top-of-the-house" view across their business lines and portfolios.

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