Vincent Huck

Articles by Vincent Huck

  • Africa Specialty Risks appoints Ciaran O'Donnell as CFO

    06 February 2023
  • IR&C Americas: Stagflation frightens insurers more than a recession

    28 September 2022

    US chief risk officers and chief investment officers explain why stagflation would be painful

  • Leading insurers call for end to thermal coal investment

    06 November 2020

    Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance urges underwriters to back investment teams

  • UK and EU approach to Solvency II "like papal schism"

    20 October 2020

    Same doctrine, different politics will lead to some divergence

  • Supervisors should step up Libor transition work, IAIS warns

    09 July 2020

    A number of financial institutions are yet to start transition, research finds

  • CNP Assurances plans to exit thermal coal by 2030 in EU

    07 July 2020

    French insurer will fully divest from coal by 2040

  • IMF risk alert for Austrian insurance sector

    03 February 2020

    The international body warns about the impact of the low interest rate environment

  • Bank of England publishes 2020 Libor transition plan

    16 January 2020

    Sterling Libor will "cease to exist" after 2021

  • Hong Kong insurers at odds with global peers on data benefits

    24 December 2019

    Asian Insurance Forum delegates disagree with IAIS annual meeting delegates in audience poll

  • Hong Kong's opportunities to become a risk management hub

    10 December 2019

    Carrie Lam was speaking at the Asian Insurance Forum 2019