Paul Walsh

Articles by Paul Walsh

  • People moves: Scottish Friendly, Aegon, Sicsic Advisory, MS Amlin, Aspen, Darag

    06 December 2021

    InsuranceERM rounds up the latest risk-related people moves in the insurance industry

  • Insurers need more ESG data for sustainability push

    01 December 2021

    Panellists at the Insurance Risk & Capital event said the current regulatory framework had not addressed availability of ESG data

  • Astrid Jäkel takes up Aegon CRO role

    30 November 2021

    Jäkel joins from Oliver Wyman after 18 years at the consultancy

  • CROs discuss the unexpected Covid legacies

    25 November 2021

    Panellists at Insurance Risk & Capital EMEA conference will discuss pandemic lessons and risks

  • Covid-19 effects should disappear in 2022, says Gjensidige chief

    24 November 2021

    Norwegian insurer sets four-year performance goals

  • Insurance set for key urban risk mitigation role

    23 November 2021

    Research from the Geneva Association says the sector must overcome specific issues

  • COP26 boosts insurers' climate efforts, despite insufficient pledges

    19 November 2021

    Swiss Re's Jérôme Haegeli said insurers are at the "centre of the race"

  • Qatar Re and subsidiaries' solvency ratios went sub-100% amid Covid-19

    18 November 2021

    Injections, letters of credit and reinsurance restored adequacy

  • Future pandemic risk pools will be shallow, not deep

    18 November 2021

    The concept of an all-encompassing government-backed risk pool to deal with the threat of future pandemics is all but dead. However, public support remains available for smaller schemes, as Paul Walsh reports

  • People moves: Geneva Association, Bermuda Monetary Authority, AGCS,Willis Towers Watson

    17 November 2021

    InsuranceERM rounds up the latest risk-related people moves in the insurance industry