Paul Walsh

Articles by Paul Walsh

  • UK insurers set for "onslaught" of GDPR data requests

    04 May 2018

    EU data protection law comes into effect later this month

  • QBE continues AI drive with machine learning investment

    03 May 2018

    The deal marks QBE’s third such investment of its kind

  • RMS unveils high-definition Japanese disaster model

    02 May 2018

    Targeting more detailed representation of earthquake and tsunami risk

  • Beazley spearheads blockchain registry for crisis situations

    01 May 2018

    Distributed ledger technology to be deployed on active shooter policies

  • Pool Re: Salisbury nerve agent attack raises coverage questions

    30 April 2018

    Large losses for Salisbury’s merchants not covered by traditional commercial policies

  • "No urgent crisis" for blockchain to solve

    26 April 2018

    Multiple obstacles to adoption of distributed ledger technology, says Fitch report

  • Munich Re forecasts bigger Q1 profit

    24 April 2018

    Re/insurer reports few major losses

  • Generali to sell Belgian insurance business for €540m

    19 April 2018

    Will boost Solvency II by 2.6 percentage points

  • Risk managers "not keeping pace" with technology advances

    18 April 2018

    New research calls for risk managers to examine how risk profiles are changing with the advent of technology

  • Perils raises storm Friederike loss estimate

    17 April 2018

    Germany and the Netherlands were the two worst affected countries