Paul Walsh

Articles by Paul Walsh

  • Direct Line hit with £1m coronavirus bill

    03 March 2020

    UK insurer says February storms absorb more than half of annual weather allowance

  • Moody's talks up markets' impact of coronavirus on insurers

    02 March 2020

    Volatility in financial markets more of worry than claims

  • Catastrophes demolish Hiscox profit, while coronavirus claims take off

    02 March 2020

    Hurricane Dorian and typhoons Hagibis and Faxai took their toll on the Bermudian insurer

  • Nat cats take their toll on Munich Re's Q4 profit

    28 February 2020

    The reinsurance giant retained confidence in its 2020 profit forecasts

  • RSA exceeds profit expectations in 2019

    27 February 2020

    UK insurer reports 60% increase in underwriting profits

  • Lloyd's of London chairman calls for post-Brexit equivalence

    26 February 2020

    Bruce Carnegie-Brown was addressing a House of Lords EU financial affairs sub-committee

  • RiverStone takes up Japanese reinsurance portfolio

    26 February 2020

    The transaction was completed via a Part VII transfer

  • IASB to impose IFRS 17 annual cohorts on mutualised contracts

    25 February 2020

    Insurers had asked accounting body to amend requirements

  • Argo confirms big losses in Q4

    25 February 2020

    Unfavourable development of prior-year reserves largely to blame

  • Berkshire Hathaway's reinsurance division takes another nosedive

    24 February 2020

    Warren Buffett's company was hit by reinsurance losses for the third straight year in 2019