Joshua Geer

Articles by Joshua Geer

  • Timeline narrows to reach agreement on Retail Investment Strategy

    24 October 2023

    Divergent views from MEPs, but RIS rapporteur pledges to build consensus on the issue

  • Inflation continues to cast a shadow, says Eiopa Chief

    23 October 2023

    ECON committee also gives an update on Solvency II trilogues

  • Increased climate litigation is a case of "when" not "if", warns Kennedys

    23 October 2023

    The law firm advised insurers to have oversight of climate risk when working with MGAs

  • Insurance Europe supports ESRS after MEPs' pushback

    20 October 2023

    But the trade body recognises the burden of meeting sustainability reporting obligations

  • FRC finds UK actuarial profession has "structural" bias against women

    19 October 2023

    Financial Reporting Council's findings are based on engagement with 70 junior, senior and ex-actuaries

  • Antimicrobial resistance a "growing but silent" threat to insurers

    18 October 2023

    The reinsurer says the sector should consider this risk in longer-term modelling

  • Environmental protestors occupy and glue themselves to London market offices

    18 October 2023

    The protestors demand insures rule out covering fossil fuel projects

  • ABI calls for more clarity on cold calling ban

    18 October 2023

    The ban forms part of a UK government backed insurance sector fraud charter

  • Aviva chooses Hyperexponential's pricing system

    18 October 2023
  • Europe's top 10 non-life insurers remained unchanged in 2022, but profits fell

    17 October 2023

    Lower down the rankings, there was more movement, the rating agency found