Hugo Coelho

Articles by Hugo Coelho

  • Standard Life ratio drops 8 points at half-year

    09 August 2016

    Methodology change enabled group to recognise an additional £200m as surplus capital

  • Insurers' liquidity policies lack consistency

    08 August 2016

    EY survey highlights differences in how firms measure risk and identify liquidity sources and needs

  • Allianz 'freezes' Solvency II ratio at 186%

    05 August 2016

    Currency and sovereign spread hedges shield insurer against Brexit-led market turmoil

  • Ping An and US insurers worst hit by G-SII capital rules

    05 August 2016

    Moody's gauges higher-loss absorbency constraints

  • France's risk council granted power to suspend insurance lapses

    04 August 2016

    Macroprudential tool to be used in the event of run on insurer

  • L'exception française?

    02 August 2016

    The French government is proposing to exempt supplementary pension products from Solvency II capital requirements, a seismic change that will give the sector much needed relief. Hugo Coelho reports

  • Chappell steps down as chief risk officer of PIC

    02 August 2016

    Search for replacement is underway

  • Sovereign risk must be covered in the ORSA, says BaFin

    02 August 2016

    Insurers with significant exposures face capital add-on

  • Generali's solvency ratio stable despite market turmoil

    29 July 2016

    Capital generation offsets impact of falling interest rates

  • The stress of going sub-zero

    28 July 2016

    UK insurers modelling the risk that interest rates move into negative territory are finding that the capital implications of doing so are less than straightforward. Hugo Coelho reports