Hugo Coelho

Articles by Hugo Coelho

  • MetLife's Kandarian takes regulatory lobbying role

    16 September 2015

    CEO to chair regulation group at the Institute of International Finance

  • The supervisor with the toughest job in Europe

    07 July 2015

    Germany's life insurers could face the biggest test from low interest rates and the introduction of Solvency II. Hugo Coelho talks to the president of the country's financial supervisor, Felix Hufeld, about the resilience of the industry and the cards it can play

  • ICS loses steam

    23 June 2015

    Plans to introduce a global standard for insurance capital have altered, with the International Association of Insurance Supervisors opening the door to differentiated implementation at the national level. Hugo Coelho reports

  • US ORSA comes to life

    19 June 2015

    Before the end of the year, large US insurers will submit an ORSA report to supervisors. This represents a step change for the industry, but is likely to be just the beginning of a broader process of transformation, Hugo Coelho reports

  • Tying federal regulators in knots

    28 May 2015

    Insurers are increasing their lobbying efforts as legislation advances through Congress that is designed to limit the discretion of federal regulators in designating systemic firms and devising capital standards. Hugo Coelho reports

  • Internal model submissions begin, despite ambiguities

    22 May 2015

    Despite unclear rules and conflicting approaches from national supervisors, insurers have started submitting their Solvency II internal models for approval. Christopher Cundy and Hugo Coelho assess the state of play

  • NAIC's Urias: "ICS should not be tied to one valuation methodology, not at this stage"

    14 May 2015

    The attempt to create global convergence on insurance supervision is proving to be a bumpy ride. Christina Urias, the NAIC's director for international regulatory affairs, explains to Hugo Coelho how the states view the reinsurance collateral agreement with the EU and the global capital standard.

  • Gilt-swap spread risk charge to accelerate ALM rethink

    08 May 2015

    A request by the UK regulator for internal firms to hold capital against the basis risk in their government bond portfolios will increase incentives for the insurers to move away from long-dated government bonds into swaps. Hugo Coelho reports

  • Dutch insurers tread the MA minefield

    24 March 2015

    The Dutch regulator is poised to publish guidance for insurers on use of the matching adjustment. Repackaging of mortgage loans is one bone of contention, another is the treatment of pension contracts. Hugo Coelho reports

  • Insurers feel the pull of longevity swaps

    13 March 2015

    Three years after Aegon started the market, index-based longevity swaps could become a trend across Europe as insurers seek to optimise their capital under Solvency II. Hugo Coelho reports