Hugo Coelho

Articles by Hugo Coelho

  • US regulators vote to keep Prudential Financial in list of systemic insurers

    18 December 2015

    Majority of FSOC members rejected insurer's arguments for withdrawing Sifi designation

  • US financial watchdog slams slow adoption of Sifi capital surcharge

    17 December 2015

    Life insurers are among the most systemic financial institutions

  • ESRB's Mazzaferro: "We want to counter the narrative that insurers are not systemic"

    16 December 2015

    ESRB's head of secretariat makes the case for a countercyclical capital requirement and a liquidity requirement for insurers. Hugo Coelho reports

  • ESRB calls for bank-like countercyclical capital requirement for insurers

    16 December 2015

    Report criticises Solvency II volatility adjustment, ultimate forward rate and charges for securitisations

  • L&G dips toe into European pension risk transfer market

    16 December 2015

    UK insurance group takes €200m in liabilities from ASR Nederland

  • Eiopa strips double counting from fundamental spread calculations

    09 December 2015

    Methodological change reduces value of liabilities of UK annuity providers by £2.5bn

  • Living up to the promise of internal models

    08 December 2015

    Supervisory approval is not the end of the Solvency II internal model process. From 1 January, models are for insurers to leverage and for insurers to lose. Hugo Coelho and Christopher Cundy report

  • Finnish insurers well-capitalised, despite falling investment returns

    08 December 2015

    Average solvency ratio higher than 150%, without transitional measures

  • Carney pans treatment of long-term investments under Solvency II

    07 December 2015

    "More can be done" to create right regulatory framework

  • European Parliament clears the way for provisional equivalence decisions

    07 December 2015

    Australia, Canada and US in list of equivalent countries