Hugo Coelho

Articles by Hugo Coelho

  • US-EU insurance talks to continue

    31 May 2016

    Second round of negotiations took place in Washington DC last week

  • Fed to hold open meeting on insurance rules

    31 May 2016

    Board of Governors to discuss capital requirements for Sifis and insurers with thrifts

  • PRA settles rules on Solvency II transitional recalculation

    25 May 2016

    Material change in the risk profile can justify early recalculation of TMTP benefit

  • PRA to benchmark internal models against standard formula

    25 May 2016

    UK regulator proposes calculating 'drift ratios'

  • IAIS collects data on the use of senior debt as capital

    24 May 2016

    US pushing for ICS capital resources review

  • Insurers question Fed's two-tiered approach to insurance capital standards

    23 May 2016

    Governor Tarullo outlined plans in a speech last week

  • EU and US regulators resume covered agreement talks

    23 May 2016

    Second-round of negotiations in Washington DC

  • Fed to adopt bank-like capital rule for too-big-to-fail insurers

    20 May 2016

    First version will allow few risk categories, but standard will become more granular over time

  • Solvency II in top four 'concerns' for EU financial industry

    19 May 2016

    Insurers account for one in six responses to call for evidence on financial regulation

  • Too soon to say if global capital standard will work for the US

    11 May 2016

    FIO's Finnell compares calibration process to 16-wheel truck