Hugo Coelho

Articles by Hugo Coelho

  • Solvency II implementation reveals national diversities

    20 October 2016

    InsuranceERM's survey of supervisors reveals how the use of internal models, transitionals and discount curve adjustments differs across the EU

  • Eiopa puts insurance resolution back on the agenda

    23 September 2016

    Authority to consult on minimum harmonisation of tools and powers before year-end

  • Credit downgrades raise strategic questions for insurers

    22 September 2016

    Investors are questioning the impact of credit downgrades on insurers' Solvency II balance sheets. Hugo Coelho investigates how firms are gauging this risk and why they resist putting a figure on it

  • Insurers caught off-guard by Priips 'soft launch'

    22 September 2016

    Experts advise firms to identify products and data they need to perform the calculations

  • EU-US talks on covered agreement resume

    21 September 2016

    Pressure on negotiators mounts as firms face increasing barriers to do business

  • EU passporting loss would hurt 220 UK insurers

    20 September 2016

    FCA reveals that 726 European insurers rely on facility to do business in Britain

  • Germany and Italy see largest second wave of Solvency II applications

    20 September 2016

    InsuranceERM survey reveals many insurers are still adjusting to the new regulatory regime

  • European supervisors change tack on negative interest rate risk

    20 September 2016

    Insurers are being asked to modify internal models as negative yields become the new normal, but the approach varies by country and company. Hugo Coelho reports

  • How far can the UK run from Solvency II?

    15 September 2016

    The UK parliamentary investigation into Solvency II is expected to shed light on the trade-off between regulatory flexibility and market access, and expose the different preferences of insurers with different corporate structures. Hugo Coelho reports

  • EU Parliament rejects disclosure standards for investment products

    14 September 2016

    Year-end application date for Priips regulation at risk