David Walker

Articles by David Walker

  • Beazley names new CEO as Andrew Horton joins QBE

    03 March 2021

    Horton is not expected to take up his new role until 1 September

  • Eiopa data reveals extent of solvency recovery by Q3 2020

    01 March 2021

    Europe's insurers still not back to pre-pandemic capital adequacy

  • Australian non-life insurers commence second BI test-case

    01 March 2021

    Definitions of disease, proximity and prevention of access up for debate

  • Reinsurers foot three-quarters of New Zealand earthquakes bill

    26 February 2021

    Eight insurers saw claims costs surpass reinsurance cover

  • Axa earnings fall 34% but property and casualty insuring still profitable

    25 February 2021

    Axa keeps Covid-19 bill estimate stable at €1.5bn

  • German life firms risk capital inadequacy when transitionals expire

    25 February 2021

    BaFin's Frank Grund predicts more insurers to face "intensive supervision" as result of Covid-19

  • Brit refuses to insure Adani's Carmichael coal mine

    24 February 2021

    Lloyd's syndicates remain mostly silent on market's ESG proposals

  • Covid-19 brings "epochal transformation" to insurance, Scor says

    24 February 2021

    But Denis Kessler admits reinsurer "underestimated truly global reach" of pandemic

  • Allianz faces criminal charges for mis-selling travel insurance

    23 February 2021

    Australian units alleged to have made false or misleading statements over level of cover

  • Aema Group acquires Aviva's French operations for €3.2bn

    23 February 2021

    French mutuals Macif and Aésio merged to form Aema earlier this year