David Walker

Articles by David Walker

  • Aegon considering reinsurance as Covid hits US life book

    11 November 2021

    Pandemic behind about half the group's Q3 adverse US mortality experience

  • Allianz expects moderate reinsurance rate hike after floods

    10 November 2021

    CFO says group is "a good account" for its reinsurers

  • Export credit agencies still competing directly with trade insurers

    08 November 2021

    ICISA says private sector has willingness, and capacity, to cover risks

  • Beazley's ESG syndicate helps engage with clients on climate

    05 November 2021

    Cyber rates skyrocket 48% by September

  • Axa announces share buybacks worth up to €2.2bn

    05 November 2021

    Reinsurance deals and capital generation informed board's decision

  • Apac reinsurers pricing risk on scenarios with limited history

    05 November 2021

    S&P Global says credit outlook is stable third loss-making year

  • Skuld flags 10% rate hike at February renewals as capital erodes

    05 November 2021

    Inflation, ratings agencies and choppy investment markets spur action

  • Life reinsurance "discovered its potential" through Covid, says Scor chief

    04 November 2021

    CEO Laurent Rousseau says cedents must provide more detail on climate risk exposures

  • Munich Re tells governments to produce climate "transition roadmaps"

    03 November 2021

    Joachim Wenning says countries need national-level chief risk officers

  • Resolution Life pays A$524m for outstanding stake in AMP Life

    03 November 2021

    Taking full ownership comes 16 months after its partial purchase