David Walker

Articles by David Walker

  • Full extent of transitional measures in Germany revealed

    29 July 2022

    The measures and the volatility adjustment maintain capital adequacy for some insurers

  • Rising interest rates won't stymie life back book deals

    29 July 2022

    Experts share the latest trends in this area with InsuranceERM

  • Cattolica CEO resigns in move to become CRO of Assicurazioni Generali SpA

    29 July 2022

    Carlo Ferraresi will be replaced by Samuele Marconcini

  • Australian floods in Q1 become second worst weather event for insurers

    29 July 2022

    The A$5.1bn insured losses now exceeds the impact of 1974's cyclone Tracey

  • Solvency II in Germany: four insurers below 100% ratio without transitional measures

    28 July 2022

    New analysis from Insurance Risk Data picks up where Eiopa left off, evaluating the use of the long-term guarantees measures in Germany, the EEA country where they are most popular. David Walker reports

  • German life expectancy will rise again, predicts GDV

    28 July 2022
  • Apra proposes prudential standard for operational risk

    28 July 2022
  • Germany's R+V reports €200m loss in H1 from extreme weather

    28 July 2022

    Storms Ylenia, Zeynep and Antonia caused the most damage by June

  • German longevity falls as result of Covid-19

    26 July 2022
  • Wayne Byres resigns as Apra chair

    26 July 2022