David Walker

Articles by David Walker

  • R+V property customers' take-up of extreme weather cover at 70%

    26 February 2024
  • Suncorp CEO discusses alternative reinsurance with Australia's Assistant Treasurer

    26 February 2024

    "Regulatory requirements" impeded Suncorp's use of it so far, says Steve Johnston

  • Mitsui Sumitomo to insure human egg freezing risks

    23 February 2024
  • Thomas Buberl flags deceleration in life book portfolio deals at Axa

    22 February 2024

    Annual results accompanied Axa's next group strategic plan today

  • Tower hones in on risk-based pricing and more parametric covers

    21 February 2024

    New Zealand group shifts strategy after large losses in 2023

  • Sumitomo Life surveys citizens about climate change impacts and preparedness

    21 February 2024

    Heat stress and more natural catastrophes worry Japanese the most

  • "Animal attack cover" among insurance lines suggested as ESG-friendly by Thai regulator

    20 February 2024
  • Suncorp close to being standalone insurer as bank sale wins tribunal nod

    20 February 2024
  • Japan's insurers pay JPY 20.5bn Noto Peninsular earthquake claims

    19 February 2024
  • Unipol aims to buy UnipolSai outright, and eliminate group's holding company structure

    19 February 2024

    Changed rates climate and lack of M&A opportunities spurred long-considered move