David Walker

Articles by David Walker

  • Chubb picks Paris for post-Brexit headquarters - but may never move

    11 September 2017

    Insurer will review decision to shift HQ to French capital passporting rights survive divorce

  • Early estimates for Irma's insured losses reach $60bn

    11 September 2017

    Deluges inland in US could follow wind and storm surge damage in Caribbean

  • Hiscox chief predicts "sweaty few weeks" for industry as hurricane season unfolds

    11 September 2017

    But Bronek Masojada says industry will weather the North Atlantic disasters

  • Irma's Florida track a worry for ILS investors

    08 September 2017

    Insurers are emphasising their resilience and readiness ahead of expected hit on Florida

  • Return on equity falls in soft markets for global reinsurers

    06 September 2017

    Willis Re says industry profitability relies on reserve releases

  • Expect adjustments to solvency ratios as regulators react to pillar III filings, warns Moody's

    05 September 2017

    Rating agency predicts loss absorbing capacities will attract most attention

  • Zurich appoints new CRO from local rival Swiss Re

    01 September 2017

    Alison Martin to replace retiring Cecilia Reyes

  • Economic losses from Hurricane Harvey could hit $90bn, predicts RMS

    31 August 2017

    Properties in and around Houston worth upwards of $1.5trn

  • Australian regulator sets strategic goals for insurance supervision

    29 August 2017

    Stronger recovery and resolution framework is part of Apra's 2020 plan

  • Anbang suffers credit downgrade, potential for another

    25 August 2017

    Ratings agency Dagong points to recent turmoil and interventions from regulator