David Walker

Articles by David Walker

  • New Zealand reduces insurers' earthquake loss exposure

    14 February 2019

    Rise in coverage limit of public scheme recognises building cost increases, minister says

  • Coface prepares internal model to mitigate Solvency II reforms

    13 February 2019

    Underwriter warns standard formula changes could slice 20 points from coverage ratio

  • Australian floods pose reputational risk for insurers

    11 February 2019

    The floods in Townsville, in northeastern Queensland, have triggered 13,560 claims to date

  • Australia raises its game on wildfire loss models

    08 February 2019

    Ten years ago, Australia suffered one of its worst outbreaks of bushfires that burned 300,000 hectares and took 173 lives. David Walker reports on how wildfire modelling has developed to cope with this increasing threat

  • Divestment boosts UnipolSai profits to almost €1bn

    08 February 2019

    Sale of Unipol Banca lets parent focus on underwriting units

  • German internal mergers hit 10-year low

    08 February 2019

    GDV says business restructuring at insurers now focuses on IT, products and distribution

  • AMP makes executive changes in shadow of Royal Commission

    07 February 2019

    Industry review is “basis for setting AMP’s future direction”, company says

  • Talanx 2018 net income rises 5% to beat forecast

    07 February 2019

    But “exceptionally large losses” prevent better result

  • Munich Re questions alternative capital's sustainability

    06 February 2019

    Wildfire risk is unsettling that market, German reinsurer says

  • Royal Commission report adds A$30m to IAG compliance budget

    06 February 2019

    Australian general insurer forced to defend New Zealand profits