David Walker

Articles by David Walker

  • Irish insurance market strongly exposed to foreign risks

    24 May 2019

    Insurance Risk Data reveals extent of Ireland’s insurance risk exposure to Italy and the UK

  • Credit insurers shelter from the crossfire in trade wars

    23 May 2019

    The health of the trade credit insurance sector is linked to a thriving global economy, so how does a trade war between the two biggest nations affect the business? David Walker reports

  • Libor transition risks facing insurers highlighted

    17 May 2019

    Prudential’s SFCR reveals liquidity risk after Libor is discontinued

  • UK P&I Club losses reflect tough year for marine insurers

    15 May 2019

    Competition, segmentation and low margins make navigating conditions difficult

  • German life insurers relish €4.5bn-plus saving on ZZR contributions

    14 May 2019

    The revised methodology for calculating Germany's special interest rate reserves is saving billions for the country's life insurers. David Walker reports

  • Reinsurers are 'limiting expansion of emerging risks cover' says CapGemini

    14 May 2019

    World Insurance Report reveals significant coverage gaps across emerging risks

  • The European insurance businesses ripe for M&A

    13 May 2019

    Analysis of solvency and financial condition reports by Insurance Risk Data has revealed dozens of insurers with small, loss-making lines that might be ideal targets for M&A. David Walker and Christopher Cundy explain

  • Sampo considers debt issue to restore solvency capital

    10 May 2019

    Nordea Bank's recent shift to Finland means higher buffer required on Sampo's 20% holding

  • Talanx heralds good start to 2019

    09 May 2019

    First quarter result leaves German ahead of path to full-year goal

  • BaFin spells out its Solvency II review wish-list

    07 May 2019

    Negative rate modelling and investment relief for life insurers top regulator's list