Cintia Cheong

Articles by Cintia Cheong

  • Lloyd's action on syndicates will not restrict innovation, CFO says

    24 September 2018

    Areas of concern are marine, international casualty and energy

  • ABI calls for 'minimum' two-year delay to IFRS 17 implementation

    24 September 2018

    More time needed to deliver high quality financial reporting it is argued

  • AAE appoints Esko Kivisaari as chairperson

    24 September 2018

    Key focuses for the AAE in the next 12 months include European regulations and fintech

  • Lloyd's returns to profit for first half of 2018

    21 September 2018

    Improvement on some fronts after costly catastrophes in 2017, but investment return falls

  • Efrag puts IFRS 17 consultation on hold

    21 September 2018

    Parallel work at IASB blamed for delay

  • Finding the goal in insurtech - part one: the investors

    18 September 2018

    Strategies for capitalising on new insurance technologies are as varied as the technologies themselves. In part one of this series of interviews, Cintia Cheong talks to insurtech investors about the most promising areas for tech development, and how they are making their investments

  • PRA highlights underwriting and reserving worries within actuarial function

    18 September 2018

    Issues include insufficient challenge, independence and objectivity

  • Chinese insurers' C-Ross compliance pays off

    17 September 2018

    But firms are still exposed to risky investments

  • Insurers without capital model to face "severe" IFRS 17 implementation challenges

    11 September 2018

    Firms need to re-think their approach to reinsurance, Guy Carpenter says

  • CCR, Lancashire reshuffle risk and actuarial roles

    11 September 2018

    French reinsurer and UK/Bermuda speciality insurer make internal appointments