Cintia Cheong

Articles by Cintia Cheong

  • No-deal Brexit risks UK insurers' credit ratings

    01 July 2019

    Growth prospects for life insurance sector stronger than for P&C, says S&P

  • IASB launches consultation on IFRS 17 amendments

    26 June 2019

    Standards board will organise stakeholder events to supplement consultation

  • Zurich signs UN business pledge to limit global temperature rise

    25 June 2019

    Insurer to go 100% renewable by 2022 and expands fossil fuel policy

  • PIC seals £5.8bn of pension business in H1

    24 June 2019

    The specialist insurer said it has been a record-breaking first half for new business

  • IFRS 17 consultation expected on 26 June

    21 June 2019

    Proposed amendments are narrow but provide meaningful changes, says IASB

  • UK insurers want greater flexibility for IFRS 17 transition

    20 June 2019

    Huw Evans outlines ABI’s initiatives

  • PRA tells life actuaries: focus on model drift and proxy modelling

    19 June 2019

    UK regulator outlines initiatives in the next 12 months

  • Royal London hires CEO from Standard Life Aberdeen UK

    19 June 2019

    Barry O'Dwyer to replace Phil Loney in September

  • "A handful" of non-life insurers still unprepared for Brexit

    14 June 2019

    Eiopa responds to European Commission's Brexit update

  • Efrag quizzes insurers on IFRS 9 hedge accounting

    14 June 2019

    Questionnaire forms part of IFRS 17 endorsement process