IASB unlikely to remove IFRS 17 annual cohorts for mutualised contracts
17 February 2020Unable to draw 'bright lines' between those within scope of exemption and those outside of it
Bother the stakeholders until they don't want to listen!
14 February 2020Allianz's Remo Cavegn shares tips on governance of IFRS 17 projects
Moody's Analytics launches IFRS 17 discount curve service
12 February 2020The offering addresses challenges including selecting methodology for valuations of liabilities
Kyobo Life deploys Aon's PathWise as financial risk management platform
12 February 2020The offering covers IFRS 17 and K-ICS reporting
Gulf insurers face three key risks in 2020
11 February 2020Some firms are likely to raise new capital, consolidate or exit the market, says S&P
PIC strikes £1.6bn buy-in with merchant navy pensions
10 February 2020Deal involves converting an existing longevity swap
Keep TCFD recommendations voluntary, says Insurance Europe
06 February 2020Lobby group responds to IAIS climate disclosure paper
IFRS 17 implementation requires "extreme flexibility"
06 February 2020Cristina Colozza, IFRS 17 disclosure and methodology central lead at Zurich, tells Cintia Cheong about the firm's IFRS 17 implementation status and the importance of its financial impact assessment
The most dangerous risk for re/insurers in 2020
06 February 2020Climate change rises sharply in Willis Towers Watson's rankings
Coronavirus: Chinese insurers face significant disruption risk
04 February 2020Moody's and S&P examine impact of outbreak on insurers