Cintia Cheong

Articles by Cintia Cheong

  • Zurich's P&C profits lead positive H1 result

    09 August 2018

    Improved underwriting, cost reductions and no charges from Ogden rate boost operating result

  • Efrag avoids discussion on IFRS 17 implementation timelines

    08 August 2018

    TEG members reluctant to vote on remaining issues

  • Aegon offloads last US life block to Scor

    07 August 2018

    Deal expected to generate $50m on Transamerica’s capital but a $105m pre-tax IFRS loss

  • Winter weather more than halves LV='s GI profit

    07 August 2018

    While life segment's profit more than doubles

  • Berkshire Hathaway's underwriting result rebounds

    06 August 2018

    Recovery mainly comes from favourable US tax cut

  • Ireland beats Luxembourg as insurers' Brexit relocation base

    03 August 2018

    But Luxembourg is top pick for firms with no pre-existing presence

  • EU insurers lack robust pricing solution for cyber risk, Eiopa says

    02 August 2018

    Further understanding of cyber risk is needed; moderate regulation is welcomed

  • Adverse weather slashes RSA's underwriting profit by 23%

    02 August 2018

    Canada most affected region with £4m underwriting loss

  • AIR Worldwide launches cat modelling tool for reinsurance

    01 August 2018

    Touchstone Re replaces CATRADER

  • Management restructure leaves Generali with "weak" CFO function

    01 August 2018

    Current CFO Luigi Lubelli to exit next month, Frédéric de Courtois becomes general manager